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Umbraco CMS can be considered a “low-code” platform to some extent, although it’s not traditionally classified as a pure low-code platform. Here’s an explanation:

  1. Customization Flexibility: Umbraco provides a user-friendly interface for creating and managing content, which can be considered a low-code feature. Content editors with limited technical knowledge can easily make updates to the website’s content and structure without extensive coding skills.
  2. Template Customization: Umbraco allows for the creation and customization of templates using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and the Razor templating engine. While this may require some coding skills, it’s not as complex as building a website from scratch, aligning with low-code principles.
  3. Document Types: Umbraco’s use of “Document Types” allows you to define the structure and data types for your content, making it more accessible for non-developers to create and manage structured content without deep coding knowledge.
Umbraco Low-code Flexibility with Umbraco UI Builder

However, it’s important to note that Umbraco also caters to developers and provides extensive coding capabilities. Developers can create custom functionality, integrate third-party services, and extend Umbraco’s features using C# and other .NET technologies. This flexibility to cater to both non-technical users and developers makes Umbraco versatile but not strictly a low-code platform.

In summary, Umbraco CMS offers low-code-like features for content management and customization, but it doesn’t fit the traditional definition of a pure low-code platform that focuses solely on visual development with minimal coding.

Umbraco UI Builder

Umbraco UI Builder is a new feature that offers a low-code approach to building user interfaces for Umbraco CMS. However, this feature set is not available in the open-source self-hosted version of Umbraco. Umbraco UI Builder is free to users of Umbraco Cloud but has to be licensed for self-hosted Umbraco projects as an Umbraco Add-on. Licensing fees for an Agency License subscription is $3,750 a year.

Key features and highlights of the Umbraco UI Builder:

  1. Low-Code Approach: The Umbraco UI Builder utilizes a low-code approach, making it easier for users to create and customize user interfaces for Umbraco websites.
  2. Based on .NET Core: The UI Builder is built on .NET Core, a modern and cross-platform framework, ensuring compatibility with the latest technologies and development practices.
  3. Minimal Learning Curve: It is designed to have a minimal learning curve, allowing users to quickly grasp and utilize its capabilities without extensive coding knowledge.
  4. Visual Interface: The UI Builder provides a visual interface for designing user interfaces, which simplifies the process of creating and arranging elements on web pages.
  5. Reusable Components: Users can create and reuse components, streamlining the development of consistent and visually appealing web pages across their Umbraco projects.
  6. Integrations: It offers integrations with popular front-end libraries and frameworks, enhancing flexibility in design and development.
  7. Migrations from Konstrukt to Umbraco UI Builder

The Umbraco UI Builder is a significant addition to the Umbraco ecosystem, providing an easier and more accessible way to create user interfaces for Umbraco websites, particularly for those who prefer a low-code approach.

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